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Cerebellar hemisphere in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-11-05Updated:2024-11-05
Similar words: cerebral hemispherecerebellarcerebellar arteryhemispherecerebellaleft hemisphereright hemispherenorthern hemisphereMeaning: n. either of two lateral lobes of the cerebellum. 
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1. Conclusion: MRI showed cerebellar hemisphere, ventral pons, middle cerebelllar peduncles and olive atrophies in OPCA patients.
2. Objective: To analyze the Mill features of cerebellar hemisphere tumor and its differentiations.
3. Over the cerebellar hemisphere, 3.5cm lateral to the external occipital protuberance, parallel to the midline of the head, 4cm long extending downward.
4. Conclusion: MRI can demonstrate the features of the cerebellar hemisphere tumor clearly and has diagnostic value in some extent.
5. Including cerebellar hemisphere tumor, cauda cerebelli bridge cerebellum angle, fourth ventricle, auditory nerve lump, pitch tumor and so on.
6. Results:8 cases located in cerebellar hemisphere, 5 cases in vermis, 10 cases in fourth ventricle.
7. Materials and Methods:The CT features of 70 cases with Cerebellar hemisphere tumors surgically and pathologically proved were retrospectively analysed.
8. Findings: Head CT: Predominantly cystic lesion in the cerebellum involving deep cerebellar hemisphere and extending to the vermis.
9. MRI shows a large cystic mass in the left cerebellar hemisphere with a solid,[sentence dictionary] irregular component superiorly which enhances inhomogeneously.
10. After operation, the patient had an uneventful course with recovery of her consciousness. In the other, the solitary lesion was in the left cerebellar hemisphere without obstructive hydrocephalus.
11. There is cross-filling of the right vertebral artery and multiple nodular areas of tumor blush (arrows) are seen in the cerebellum, especially in the right cerebellar hemisphere.
12. Objective To discuss the MRI and CT imaging features of tumorous diseases in the cerebellar hemisphere in order to improve the accuracy of diagnosis.
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